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Writing widget tests in the dark

Fernando Trigoso

Widget tests are hard to write because we need to set up data for them and because we can't see the screen we are testing.

Here is an example widget test.

testWidgets('Has Favorite button', (WidgetTester tester) async {

Widget screen = CourseDetailsScreen(
course: Course(
imagePath: 'assets/design_course/team.png',
title: 'Flutter Programming',
lessonCount: 12,
money: 250,
rating: 4.8,
isActive: true,
categoryType: CategoryType.coding,
onBack: (p0) => null,

await tester.pumpWidget(screen);

expect(find.byIcon(Icons.favorite), findsOneWidget);


This widget test, like any other test, has three major parts: the pre-condition where we set up the UI we want to test; the action, which may be just rendering the pre-condition; and finally, the verification of the results.

In a widget test, the hardest part to write is the pre-condition. This is the part where we really need to see what it looks like. You write the code for it but you can't see what the output of that pre-condition will look like on the screen.

The pre-condition is also where we need to set up the most data.

What if writing the pre-condition of widget test was easy? What if you could see what the pre-condition looks like?

Monarch makes this possible because the pre-condition of a widget test is a story. Thus, we can go from the previous example to the one below, notice the pre-condition:

testWidgets('Has Favorite button', (WidgetTester tester) async {

Widget screen = details_active();

await tester.pumpWidget(screen);

expect(find.byIcon(Icons.favorite), findsOneWidget);


We are re-using the story details_active. With Monarch you can re-use your stories inside your widget tests. First, you write the story, then you can see what that looks like in Monarch, then you re-use it from your widget test. You can now be confident that your precondition is exactly what you want.

Writing widgets tests with Monarch is easy and a test that is easy to write is also easy to maintain—which is huge.