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Fernando Trigoso

Monarch now supports projects that have disabled sound null safety.

If you run your project using flutter run --no-sound-null-safety, now you can use the same flag when running Monarch.

monarch run --no-sound-null-safety

You stories can then use your unsound null safe code.

Fernando Trigoso

Fixes an issue where the Monarch CLI was not reporting errors to the terminal.

To get the new version just run monarch upgrade. If you don't have Monarch you can get it here.

Fernando Trigoso

This is a major release of Monarch! 🎉

After much feedback from the community we have released version 1.0. This version of Monarch enables support for Flutter versions across all channels.

Previously Monarch only supported stable versions of Flutter. Now it supports Flutter versions on the beta and dev channels.

This version will also let us easily support new Flutter versions as they are released. And it will make Linux support easier in the future.

This version also reduces the size of the Monarch installation bundle considerably. Previous versions of Monarch shipped support for multiple Flutter versions in the initial bundle. With this new version we don't have to ship all those binaries, the new Monarch CLI will download only the binaries needed to support the version of Flutter your project is running. The size of the initial bundle went from around 100 MB down to 3 MB.

💪 🚀 🥳

To get the new version just run monarch upgrade. If you don't have Monarch you can get it here.

  • Support Flutter version 2.0.6

You can run Monarch with the new Flutter version after running:

monarch upgrade

  • Support Flutter version 2.0.5

You can run Monarch with the new Flutter version after running:

monarch upgrade

  • Support Flutter version 2.0.4

You can run Monarch with the new Flutter version after running:

monarch upgrade

Monarch can now run on flutter projects that are null safe. 💪 🎉 🚀

If you already have package:monarch in your pubspec.yaml, then just change its version number to 0.2.0:

monarch: ^0.2.0

Then run in your terminal:

flutter pub get
monarch run

If you have installed monarch but haven't set it up in your project, the get latest version of monarch via monarch upgrade, then do monarch init inside your project and then monarch run.

  • monarch run now accepts flag --delete-conflicting-outputs